The Paris Cookbook Fair is the world’s largest fair devoted to cookbooks and wine books.
Based on a huge network of publishers from over 50 countries, the fair is balanced between trade and pleasure. Publishers, authors, photograhers, stylists, printers, distributors, booksellers negotiate projects. At the same time, books are promoted with constant cooking demos by the greatest celebrity chefs, and wine tastings at the international bar.

A busy trade fair

During four days, the intense activity between publishers boosts the sector with a high number of foreign rights buyers and sellers. For the first edition in February 2010 , more than 3.500 professionals attended the fair and over 4.000 cookbooks were exhibited in the rights center. The focus on food and wine books makes the Paris Cookbook Fair easier for cookbook publishers and authors.There is time for real meetings, the decision makers of the sector are present, and results are there: many professionals closed more deals than at the other international book fairs.

The results of the February 2010 Paris Cookbookfair show there is a strong intercontinental demand that is hungry for projects. One quarter of trade visitors came from outside Europe. At the same time it is the best place to meet the French, a big market for culinary books that is here for once easy to reach.

Four days of feast

This is Paris: culture, cuisine, fun, wine, elegance and glamour. The trade activity at the stands is only one part of the Paris Cookbook Fair.
The other is the presentation and international launches of books. With non-stop cooking demonstrations, two show kitchens allow celebrity chefs and authors to present their cookbooks. Master classes, demonstrations, products presentations and press conferences are followed by numerous professionals, the public and media from all over the world. At the international bar, wine books are discussed with their authors and publishers while tasting wines and spirits from all over the world.


Everybody works, tastes and enjoys in a very efficient, focused, relaxed and pleasant athmosphere. This is why trade results at the last fair were much beyond expectations for nearly all participants.


La Feria del Libro de Cocina de París es el mayor evento del mundo dedicado a los libros de cocina y del vino.
Cimentada sobre una vasta y sólida red de contactos de editoriales de más de 50 países, la feria aúna sin problemas negocio y placer. Editores, autores, fotógrafos, diseñadores, impresores, distribuidores, libreros; todos se juntan en la Feria del Libro de París para negociar sus proyectos. Además, demostraciones culinarias realizadas por los chefs de mayor prestigio y catas de vino en el Bar Internacional promocionan los libros más recientes.

Una bulliciosa feria profesional

Durante cuatro días de intensa actividad, el elevado número de acuerdos entre vendedores y compradores de derechos dinamiza y fortalece un sector en pleno auge. En la primera edición de febrero de 2010, más de 3500 profesionales acudieron a la feria y más de 4000 libros de cocina fueron expuestos en el Centro de Derechos Internacional. La especialización de la que hace gala la feria –su particular sello distintivo– facilita el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos para editores y autores. Los principales pesos pesados del sector están presentes. Los resultados no se hacen esperar: muchos profesionales cerraron más tratos en la primera edición de la Feria del Libro de Cocina de París que en otras ferias internacionales de libros.

Las conclusiones obtenidas tras la clausura de la feria en febrero de 2010 demuestran que existe una pujante demanda intercontinental ávida de nuevos proyectos. Un cuarto de los visitantes profesionales vinieron de fuera de Europa. Asimismo, es el lugar ideal para penetrar con todas las facilidades en un mercado francés más grande y fuerte que nunca.

Cuatro días de fiesta

Esto es París: cultura, cocina, diversión, vino, elegancia y glamour. La actividad comercial de los stands es sólo una de las facetas de la Feria del Libro de Cocina de París.
Otra de ellas es la presentación y lanzamiento de libros. Demostraciones culinarias non-stop amenizan la feria que, con sus dos platós de cocina, permite a autores y a chefs de prestigio presentar sus libros. Además, clases magistrales, demostraciones, presentaciones de productos y conferencias de prensa son seguidas con interés por numerosos profesionales, el público y los medios de comunicación internacionales. En el Bar Internacional, autores y editores amenizan las presentaciones de sus libros con degustaciones de vinos y licores de todo el mundo.


Todos trabajan, degustan y disfrutan en una atmósfera relajada y placentera, sin dejar de lado la eficiencia y la profesionalidad. Esta es la razón por la que los resultados de la primera edición de la Feria del Libro de Cocina de París superaron con creces todas las expectativas.


Pendant quatre jours, le Festival du livre culinaire réunit à Paris les plus grands chefs et éditeurs du monde entier.


Les Gourmand Awards, créés en 1995 par Edouard Cointreau, ont généré au fil des années un vaste réseau international formé d’éditeurs, de chefs, de chercheurs, de photographes, de journalistes, de vignerons…

Quinze ans plus tard, il était temps de créer un salon pour augmenter les cessions de droits internationaux et ainsi favoriser les traductions. Désormais, Paris est au livre de cuisine ce que Francfort est à l’édition: le centre mondial des droits internationaux.

Le Festival du livre culinaire répond à un problème global: certains pays ont tendance à se renfermer sur leur propre production, parfois par manque d’intérêt pour l’étranger, parfois par absence de contacts, parfois par surcharge de travail chez les éditeurs.

Les principaux acteurs du secteur ont rencontré sur ce salon leurs homologues étrangers, avec notamment une intense activité des Chinois, des Italiens, des Russes, des Allemands et des Coréens. Ainsi, la quantité de traductions négociées lors de la première édition a dépassé toutes les prévisions, et les résultats commenceront à paraître en librairie dès Noël 2010.


Après deux journées professionnelles, le Festival du livre culinaire ouvre ses portes au public. En une promenade dans les somptueuses nefs du Centquatre, les passionnés de lecture et de gastronomie croisent les éditeurs occupés d’un stand à l’autre, assistent aux classes magistrales des plus grands chefs sur deux cuisines disposées en amphithéâtre, dégustent du vin en toutes les langues au bar international, participent aux débats du forum…

Cette bibliothèque d’Alexandrie du livre de cuisine regorge d’ouvrages sur tous les sujets imaginables par les gourmands du monde entier. La présence de leurs auteurs et des éditeurs permet aux curieux de mieux les découvrir.
La première édition du Festival a créé une convivialité inoubliable entre chefs et amateurs. Au hasard des rencontres ou pendant les démonstrations, les visiteurs ont beaucoup dialogué avec les chefs, qui ont prodigué toute sorte de conseils et astuces dans une ambiance très amicale.











1973 Publisher France www.1973.fr foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, series, culinary literature
Adelfes Publishing Publisher Canada www.3greeksisters.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, culinary photography
Agnès Viénot Editions Publisher France www.agnesvienoteditions.fr guides, culinary photography, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, , professional.
Alain Ducasse Edition Publisher France www.alain-ducasse.com french cuisine, guides, culinary photography, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, professional, corporate books
Albin Michel Publisher France www.albin-michel.fr culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Ambar Diseño Publisher México www.ambardiseno.com local cuisine, guides, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks, wine tourism, new world wine
Arkaim Publisher Russia www.arkaim.biz Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
L’Arrière-Cuisine Media France www.larrierecuisine.fr
Artemis Gida Food Industry Turkey www.claritasway.com health and nutrition, International Cuisine, Health encyclopedia
Éditions Stéphane Bachès Publisher France www.editionstephanebaches.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, series, culinary literature
Baco Club Private Wine Club Argentina www.bacoclubonline.com.ar matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine, European wine, New world wine
Bibliothèques Gourmandes Association France www.bm-dijon.fr Literature
B.IN.G. Institution Switzerland www.fondationbing.org
Editora Boccato Publisher Brazil www.boccato.com.br on alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, guides, wine history, wine & health, matching food and wine
Brekka Books Publisher Iceland www.brekka-books.is foreign cuisine, health and nutrition, children and family
Bureau national interprofessionnel de l’Armagnac institution France www.armagnac.fr
Charente Développement Agence de développement France www.charente-developpement.com
Editions du Chêne Publisher France www.editionsduchene.fr foreign cuisine, culinary design, corporate books, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
Cheviot Publishing Publisher South Africa www.cheviot-publishing.com guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, new world wine
Cocina Futuro Media Spain www.cocinafuturo.net
Le Cordon bleu School France www.cordonbleu.edu french cuisine, foreign cuisine
Editions De Vecchi Publisher France www.de-vecchi.fr non-alcoholic drinks, culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
De re coquinaria Bookstore, Publisher Spain www.derecoquinaria.com
Delagrave Édition Publisher France www.lanore.com french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, culinary history, professional, beer books, french wine, matching food and wine
Didakta Publisher Slovenia www.didakta.si Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism
Les éditions de l’Épure Publisher France www.epure-editions.com cuisine française, cuisine régionale, histoire de la cuisine et de la gastronomie, littérature, livres de chefs, livres de cuisine pour enfants, livres de photos, séries
The Ethnics Paris Cookbook Publisher France www.theethnicpariscookbook.com foreign food
Éditions Féret Publisher France www.feret.com french wine, matching food and wine, wine history, foreign wine, guides
Festival International de la Photographie Culinaire Event France www.festivalphotoculinaire.com
The World of Fine Wine Media & Publisher UK www.finewinemag.com The award-winning quarterly journal The World of Fine Wine is now in its fifth year of publication. This extraordinary publication is now taking the wine world by storm. It has an authoritative cast of writers—including Jancis Robinson MW, Michel Bettane, Michael Schuster, Tom Stevenson, Oz Clarke, Jamie Goode, David Schildknecht, Allen Meadows, Gerald Asher, Huon Hooke, Joel Payne, Serena Sutcliffe MW and Stephen Brook—contributing lively and original writing under the editorial baton of Neil Beckett, Andrew Jefford, and Hugh Johnson.
Editions First - Gründ Publisher France www.editionsfirst.fr Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism
Flammarion Publisher France www.editions.flammarion.com culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Fleurus Editions Publisher France www.fleuruseditions.com foreign cuisine, culinary design, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
Food Editore Publisher Italy www.foodeditore.it Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, litterature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
FoodId Publisher Belgium www.foodid.be foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, corporate books, series
Association Friends International France NGO France www.friends-international.org foreign cuisine
Ediciones Gamma Publisher Colombia www.edicionesgamma.com local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks
Gastromedia Publisher Spain www.gastrofotos.com series
Ginkgo Press Publisher USA www.eatsmartguides.com guides, series, foreign cuisines
Editions Glénat Publisher France www.glenatlivres.com Chef books, Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, litterature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
Global Editora e Distribuidora Ltda Publisher Brazil www.globaleditora.com.br non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, culinary photography series, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Hachette Pratique Publisher France www.hachette-pratique.com chef books, non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, culinary photography series, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Éditions Viviane Hamy Publisher France www.viviane-hamy.fr culinary photography
Les Éditions de l’Homme Publisher Canada www.editions-homme.com non-alcoholic drinks, culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
HandE Productor UK www.hande.org foreign cuisine, chef books
Editions Impla France Publisher France www.lovelyfrance.eu guides
Irish seaweed kitchen Publisher Ireland www.prannie.com local cuisine, culinary photography, matching food and wine, guides, wine history
Jean-Paul Rocher Publisher France www.jprocher-editeur.com literature, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine, European wine, New world wine, culinary history
Junkudo Bookstore France - Japan www.junku.fr japanese cuisine
Kavino Publisher Netherlands www.cdpwebshop.com french wine
Verlag Gebrüder Kornmayer Publisher Germany www.kornmayer-verlag.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, children and family, matching food and wine, guides, wine & health, French wine, european wine
Hubert Krenn Verlag Publisher Austria www.hubertkrenn.at foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine tourism, european wine
Editions Lagon Rouge Publisher France www.editionslagonrouge.com cuisine étrangère, cuisine française, cuisine régionale, dictionnaire, encyclopédie, histoire de la cuisine et de la gastronomie, livres corporate, livres de chefs, livres de cuisine pour enfants, santé-bien être
Editions Lannoo Publisher Belgium www.lannoo.com culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Editions Larousse Publisher France www.larousse.com Reference books, Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, literature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Groupe Le Duff S.A Publisher France www.editionsgroupeleduff.com French Cuisine
Limousin Region France www.tourismelimousin.com
Centre régional du livre en Limousin Institution France www.crl-limousin.org French Cuisine
Editions Maiade Publisher France www.lemovica.free.fr local cuisine, chef books
Marabout Publisher France www.marabout.com culinary history, french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Matthaes Verlag GmbH Publisher Germany www.matthaes-shop.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine,local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, guides, chef books, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, drinks
Editora Melhoramentos Ltda Publisher Brazil www.melhoramentos.com.br foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides
Menu fretin Publisher France www.menufretin.fr foreign cuisine, French cuisine,local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, guides, chef books
Librairie Ancienne Millescamps Bookstore France www.gourmand-millescamps.com
Minerva Publisher France www.editionsminerva.fr culinary history, french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Editions Mines de rien Publisher France www.editionsminesderien.com local cuisine, culinary literature
Ecomusée de la Truffe Museum France www.ecomusee-truffe-sorges.com
Editorial Norma S.A Publisher Colombia www.norma.com local cuisine, health and nutrition
Les Nouvelles Presses du Languedoc / Editions Singulières Publisher France www.editions-singulières.fr local cuisine, culinary literature
Romain Pages Editions Publisher France www.romain-pages.com Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, corporate books, foreign cuisine
Panamericana Editorial Ltda. Publisher Colombia www.panamericana.com.co non alcoholic-drinks, local cuisine, health and nutrition
Pelle Agorelius AB Trade association Sweden www.saxhytte.com
Phaidon Press Ltd Publisher UK www.phaidon.com french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Edition Port Culinaire Media Germany www.port-culinaire.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography, for professionals
Prospect Books Publisher UK www.prospectbooks.co.uk foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, culinary history series
Editions Les Quatre Chemins Publisher France www.4chemins.net foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography, for professionals
Robert Rose Inc. Publisher Canada www.fireflybooks.com/RobertRose foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, for professionals, series, beer, guides, drinks
Rue du Monde Publisher France Website children, foreign cuisine
Salon du Livre Gourmand de Périgueux Event France www.livre-gourmand.fr
Saveur & Savoir Publisher France www.saveur-et-savoir.fr Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, corporate books, foreign cuisine
Skeie Metro Forlag Ltd Publisher Norway www.geirskeie.no chef books, french cuisine, local cuisine
Editora Senac São Paulo Publisher Brazil www.editorasenacsp.com.br foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine, european wine, new world wine
Sislavia Agency Spain www.sislavia.com
Editions Slatkine Publisher Switzerland www.slatkine.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary history
Editions Lucien Souny Publisher France French cuisine, local cuisine, chef books, culinary history
StockFood GmbH Agency Germany www.stockfood.com Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, french cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health, drinks, wine tourism, french wine, european wine,new world wine
Editions Sud Ouest Publisher France www.editions-sudouest.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine, european wine
Suhr Photography ApS Publisher Denmark www.suhrphotography.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine tourism, new world wine
Super Edition Publisher Japan www.superedition.co.jp foreign cuisine, French cuisine, chef books, culinary photography
Undercover Utopia Publisher India www.undercoverutopia.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, literature, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography
Universidad de San Martin de Porres Publisher Peru www.usmp.edu.pe Non alcoholic-drinks, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism, new world wine
Editions d'Utovie Publisher France www.utovie.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, culinary history, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine
Editions Vefa Alexiadou Publisher Greece www.vefashouse.gr foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, series
Villegas Editores Publisher Colombia www.villegaseditores.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, literature, children and family, culinary photography, series
Éditions Jérôme Villette Publisher France www.jeromevillette.fr foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary history, for professionals
Vinothek Verlag Publisher Austria www.state-of-art-winemaking.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine
White Tara Ltd Publisher UK foreign cuisine
Edition Willsberger Publisher Switzerland www.willsberger.com culinary photography, wine books
Wine Appreciation Guild Ltd www.wineappreciation.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, culinary history, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health,drinks, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
WWF Association France www.wwf.fr





1973 Editorial France www.1973.fr foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, series, culinary literature
Adelfes Publishing Editorial Canada www.3greeksisters.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, culinary photography
Agnès Viénot Editions Editorial France www.agnesvienoteditions.fr guides, culinary photography, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, , professional.
Alain Ducasse Edition Editorial France www.alain-ducasse.com french cuisine, guides, culinary photography, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, professional, corporate books
Albin Michel Editorial France www.albin-michel.fr culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Ambar Diseño Editorial México www.ambardiseno.com local cuisine, guides, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks, wine tourism, new world wine
Arkaim Editorial Russia www.arkaim.biz Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
L’Arrière-Cuisine Media France www.larrierecuisine.fr
Artemis Gida Industria alimentaria Turkey www.claritasway.com health and nutrition, International Cuisine, Health encyclopedia
Éditions Stéphane Bachès Editorial France www.editionstephanebaches.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, series, culinary literature
Baco Club Club de vino privado Argentina www.bacoclubonline.com.ar matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine, European wine, New world wine
Bibliothèques Gourmandes Asociación France www.bm-dijon.fr Literature
B.IN.G. Institución Switzerland www.fondationbing.org
Editora Boccato Editorial Brazil www.boccato.com.br on alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, guides, wine history, wine & health, matching food and wine
Brekka Books Editorial Iceland www.brekka-books.is foreign cuisine, health and nutrition, children and family
Bureau national interprofessionnel de l’Armagnac Institución France www.armagnac.fr
Charente Développement Agencia de desarrollo France www.charente-developpement.com
Editions du Chêne Editorial France www.editionsduchene.fr foreign cuisine, culinary design, corporate books, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
Cheviot Publishing Editorial South Africa www.cheviot-publishing.com guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, new world wine
Cocina Futuro Media Spain www.cocinafuturo.net
Le Cordon bleu Escuela France www.cordonbleu.edu french cuisine, foreign cuisine
Editions De Vecchi Editorial France www.de-vecchi.fr non-alcoholic drinks, culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
De re coquinaria Librería, Editorial Spain www.derecoquinaria.com
Delagrave Édition Editorial France www.lanore.com french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, culinary history, professional, beer books, french wine, matching food and wine
Didakta Editorial Slovenia www.didakta.si Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism
Les éditions de l’Épure Editorial France www.epure-editions.com cuisine française, cuisine régionale, histoire de la cuisine et de la gastronomie, littérature, livres de chefs, livres de cuisine pour enfants, livres de photos, séries
The Ethnics Paris Cookbook Editorial France www.theethnicpariscookbook.com foreign food
Éditions Féret Editorial France www.feret.com french wine, matching food and wine, wine history, foreign wine, guides
Festival International de la Photographie Culinaire Evento France www.festivalphotoculinaire.com
The World of Fine Wine Media & Editorial UK www.finewinemag.com The award-winning quarterly journal The World of Fine Wine is now in its fifth year of publication. This extraordinary publication is now taking the wine world by storm. It has an authoritative cast of writers—including Jancis Robinson MW, Michel Bettane, Michael Schuster, Tom Stevenson, Oz Clarke, Jamie Goode, David Schildknecht, Allen Meadows, Gerald Asher, Huon Hooke, Joel Payne, Serena Sutcliffe MW and Stephen Brook—contributing lively and original writing under the editorial baton of Neil Beckett, Andrew Jefford, and Hugh Johnson.
Editions First - Gründ Editorial France www.editionsfirst.fr Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism
Flammarion Editorial France www.editions.flammarion.com culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Fleurus Editions Editorial France www.fleuruseditions.com foreign cuisine, culinary design, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
Food Editore Editorial Italy www.foodeditore.it Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, litterature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
FoodId Editorial Belgium www.foodid.be foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, corporate books, series
Association Friends International France ONG France www.friends-international.org foreign cuisine
Ediciones Gamma Editorial Colombia www.edicionesgamma.com local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks
Gastromedia Editorial Spain www.gastrofotos.com series
Ginkgo Press Editorial USA www.eatsmartguides.com guides, series, foreign cuisines
Editions Glénat Editorial France www.glenatlivres.com Chef books, Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, litterature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
Global Editora e Distribuidora Ltda Editorial Brazil www.globaleditora.com.br non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, culinary photography series, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Hachette Pratique Editorial France www.hachette-pratique.com chef books, non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, culinary photography series, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Éditions Viviane Hamy Editorial France www.viviane-hamy.fr culinary photography
Les Éditions de l’Homme Editorial Canada www.editions-homme.com non-alcoholic drinks, culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
HandE Productor UK www.hande.org foreign cuisine, chef books
Editions Impla France Editorial France www.lovelyfrance.eu guides
Irish seaweed kitchen Editorial Ireland www.prannie.com local cuisine, culinary photography, matching food and wine, guides, wine history
Jean-Paul Rocher Editorial France www.jprocher-editeur.com literature, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine, European wine, New world wine, culinary history
Junkudo Librería France - Japan www.junku.fr japanese cuisine
Kavino Editorial Netherlands www.cdpwebshop.com french wine
Verlag Gebrüder Kornmayer Editorial Germany www.kornmayer-verlag.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, children and family, matching food and wine, guides, wine & health, French wine, european wine
Hubert Krenn Verlag Editorial Austria www.hubertkrenn.at foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine tourism, european wine
Editions Lagon Rouge Editorial France www.editionslagonrouge.com cuisine étrangère, cuisine française, cuisine régionale, dictionnaire, encyclopédie, histoire de la cuisine et de la gastronomie, livres corporate, livres de chefs, livres de cuisine pour enfants, santé-bien être
Editions Lannoo Editorial Belgium www.lannoo.com culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Editions Larousse Editorial France www.larousse.com Reference books, Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, literature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Groupe Le Duff S.A Editorial France www.editionsgroupeleduff.com French Cuisine
Limousin Region France www.tourismelimousin.com
Centre régional du livre en Limousin Institución France www.crl-limousin.org French Cuisine
Editions Maiade Editorial France www.lemovica.free.fr local cuisine, chef books
Marabout Editorial France www.marabout.com culinary history, french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Matthaes Verlag GmbH Editorial Germany www.matthaes-shop.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine,local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, guides, chef books, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, drinks
Editora Melhoramentos Ltda Editorial Brazil www.melhoramentos.com.br foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides
Menu fretin Editorial France www.menufretin.fr foreign cuisine, French cuisine,local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, guides, chef books
Librairie Ancienne Millescamps Librería France www.gourmand-millescamps.com
Minerva Editorial France www.editionsminerva.fr culinary history, french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Editions Mines de rien Editorial France www.editionsminesderien.com local cuisine, culinary literature
Ecomusée de la Truffe Museo France www.ecomusee-truffe-sorges.com
Editorial Norma S.A Editorial Colombia www.norma.com local cuisine, health and nutrition
Les Nouvelles Presses du Languedoc / Editions Singulières Editorial France www.editions-singulières.fr local cuisine, culinary literature
Romain Pages Editions Editorial France www.romain-pages.com Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, corporate books, foreign cuisine
Panamericana Editorial Ltda. Editorial Colombia www.panamericana.com.co non alcoholic-drinks, local cuisine, health and nutrition
Pelle Agorelius AB Asociación comercial Sweden www.saxhytte.com
Phaidon Press Ltd Editorial UK www.phaidon.com french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Edition Port Culinaire Media Germany www.port-culinaire.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography, for professionals
Prospect Books Editorial UK www.prospectbooks.co.uk foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, culinary history series
Editions Les Quatre Chemins Editorial France www.4chemins.net foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography, for professionals
Robert Rose Inc. Editorial Canada www.fireflybooks.com/RobertRose foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, for professionals, series, beer, guides, drinks
Rue du Monde Editorial France Website children, foreign cuisine
Salon du Livre Gourmand de Périgueux Evento France www.livre-gourmand.fr
Saveur & Savoir Editorial France www.saveur-et-savoir.fr Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, corporate books, foreign cuisine
Skeie Metro Forlag Ltd Editorial Norway www.geirskeie.no chef books, french cuisine, local cuisine
Editora Senac São Paulo Editorial Brazil www.editorasenacsp.com.br foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine, european wine, new world wine
Sislavia Agencia creativa Spain www.sislavia.com
Editions Slatkine Editorial Switzerland www.slatkine.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary history
Editions Lucien Souny Editorial France French cuisine, local cuisine, chef books, culinary history
StockFood GmbH Agencia Germany www.stockfood.com Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, french cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health, drinks, wine tourism, french wine, european wine,new world wine
Editions Sud Ouest Editorial France www.editions-sudouest.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine, european wine
Suhr Photography ApS Editorial Denmark www.suhrphotography.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine tourism, new world wine
Super Edition Editorial Japan www.superedition.co.jp foreign cuisine, French cuisine, chef books, culinary photography
Undercover Utopia Editorial India www.undercoverutopia.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, literature, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography
Universidad de San Martin de Porres Editorial Peru www.usmp.edu.pe Non alcoholic-drinks, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism, new world wine
Editions d'Utovie Editorial France www.utovie.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, culinary history, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine
Editions Vefa Alexiadou Editorial Greece www.vefashouse.gr foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, series
Villegas Editores Editorial Colombia www.villegaseditores.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, literature, children and family, culinary photography, series
Éditions Jérôme Villette Editorial France www.jeromevillette.fr foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary history, for professionals
Vinothek Verlag Editorial Austria www.state-of-art-winemaking.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine
White Tara Ltd Editorial UK foreign cuisine
Edition Willsberger Editorial Switzerland www.willsberger.com culinary photography, wine books
Wine Appreciation Guild Ltd www.wineappreciation.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, culinary history, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health,drinks, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
WWF Asociación France www.wwf.fr


1973 Éditeur France www.1973.fr foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, series, culinary literature
Adelfes Publishing Éditeur Canada www.3greeksisters.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, culinary photography
Agnès Viénot Editions Éditeur France www.agnesvienoteditions.fr guides, culinary photography, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, , professional.
Alain Ducasse Edition Éditeur France www.alain-ducasse.com french cuisine, guides, culinary photography, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, culinary history, children and family, professional, corporate books
Albin Michel Éditeur France www.albin-michel.fr culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Ambar Diseño Éditeur México www.ambardiseno.com local cuisine, guides, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks, wine tourism, new world wine
Arkaim Éditeur Russia www.arkaim.biz Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
L’Arrière-Cuisine Media France www.larrierecuisine.fr
Artemis Gida Éditeur Turkey www.claritasway.com health and nutrition, International Cuisine, Health encyclopedia
Éditions Stéphane Bachès Éditeur France www.editionstephanebaches.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, series, culinary literature
Baco Club Club d'Oenologie Argentina www.bacoclubonline.com.ar matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine, European wine, New world wine
Bibliothèques Gourmandes Association France www.bm-dijon.fr Literature
B.IN.G. Institution Switzerland www.fondationbing.org
Editora Boccato Éditeur Brazil www.boccato.com.br on alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, guides, wine history, wine & health, matching food and wine
Brekka Books Éditeur Iceland www.brekka-books.is foreign cuisine, health and nutrition, children and family
Bureau national interprofessionnel de l’Armagnac institution France www.armagnac.fr
Charente Développement Agence de développement France www.charente-developpement.com
Editions du Chêne Éditeur France www.editionsduchene.fr foreign cuisine, culinary design, corporate books, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
Cheviot Publishing Éditeur South Africa www.cheviot-publishing.com guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, new world wine
Cocina Futuro Media Spain www.cocinafuturo.net
Le Cordon bleu École France www.cordonbleu.edu french cuisine, foreign cuisine
Editions De Vecchi Éditeur France www.de-vecchi.fr non-alcoholic drinks, culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
De re coquinaria Libraire, Éditeur Spain www.derecoquinaria.com
Delagrave Édition Éditeur France www.lanore.com french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, culinary history, professional, beer books, french wine, matching food and wine
Didakta Éditeur Slovenia www.didakta.si Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism
Les éditions de l’Épure Éditeur France www.epure-editions.com cuisine française, cuisine régionale, histoire de la cuisine et de la gastronomie, littérature, livres de chefs, livres de cuisine pour enfants, livres de photos, séries
The Ethnics Paris Cookbook Éditeur France www.theethnicpariscookbook.com foreign food
Éditions Féret Éditeur France www.feret.com french wine, matching food and wine, wine history, foreign wine, guides
Festival International de la Photographie Culinaire Évènement France www.festivalphotoculinaire.com
The World of Fine Wine Presse UK www.finewinemag.com The award-winning quarterly journal The World of Fine Wine is now in its fifth year of publication. This extraordinary publication is now taking the wine world by storm. It has an authoritative cast of writers—including Jancis Robinson MW, Michel Bettane, Michael Schuster, Tom Stevenson, Oz Clarke, Jamie Goode, David Schildknecht, Allen Meadows, Gerald Asher, Huon Hooke, Joel Payne, Serena Sutcliffe MW and Stephen Brook—contributing lively and original writing under the editorial baton of Neil Beckett, Andrew Jefford, and Hugh Johnson.
Editions First - Gründ Éditeur France www.editionsfirst.fr Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism
Flammarion Éditeur France www.editions.flammarion.com culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Fleurus Editions Éditeur France www.fleuruseditions.com foreign cuisine, culinary design, culinary history, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, drinks
Food Editore Éditeur Italy www.foodeditore.it Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, litterature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
FoodId Éditeur Belgium www.foodid.be foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, corporate books, series
Association Friends International France ONG France www.friends-international.org foreign cuisine
Ediciones Gamma Éditeur Colombia www.edicionesgamma.com local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks
Gastromedia Éditeur Spain www.gastrofotos.com series
Ginkgo Press Éditeur USA www.eatsmartguides.com guides, series, foreign cuisines
Editions Glénat Éditeur France www.glenatlivres.com Chef books, Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, litterature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
Global Editora e Distribuidora Ltda Éditeur Brazil www.globaleditora.com.br non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, culinary photography series, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Hachette Pratique Éditeur France www.hachette-pratique.com chef books, non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, chef books, culinary photography series, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Éditions Viviane Hamy Éditeur France www.viviane-hamy.fr culinary photography
Les Éditions de l’Homme Éditeur Canada www.editions-homme.com non-alcoholic drinks, culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
HandE Éditeur UK www.hande.org foreign cuisine, chef books
Editions Impla France Éditeur France www.lovelyfrance.eu guides
Irish seaweed kitchen Éditeur Ireland www.prannie.com local cuisine, culinary photography, matching food and wine, guides, wine history
Jean-Paul Rocher Éditeur France www.jprocher-editeur.com literature, matching food and wine, wine history, wine & health, French wine, European wine, New world wine, culinary history
Junkudo Libraire France - Japan www.junku.fr japanese cuisine
Kavino Éditeur Netherlands www.cdpwebshop.com french wine
Verlag Gebrüder Kornmayer Éditeur Germany www.kornmayer-verlag.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, children and family, matching food and wine, guides, wine & health, French wine, european wine
Hubert Krenn Verlag Éditeur Austria www.hubertkrenn.at foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine tourism, european wine
Editions Lagon Rouge Éditeur France www.editionslagonrouge.com cuisine étrangère, cuisine française, cuisine régionale, dictionnaire, encyclopédie, histoire de la cuisine et de la gastronomie, livres corporate, livres de chefs, livres de cuisine pour enfants, santé-bien être
Editions Lannoo Éditeur Belgium www.lannoo.com culinary history, french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional, corporate books
Editions Larousse Éditeur France www.larousse.com Reference books, Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, literature, corporate books, guides, wine history, wine & health, French wine
Groupe Le Duff S.A Éditeur France www.editionsgroupeleduff.com French Cuisine
Limousin Région France www.tourismelimousin.com
Centre régional du livre en Limousin Institution France www.crl-limousin.org French Cuisine
Editions Maiade Éditeur France www.lemovica.free.fr local cuisine, chef books
Marabout Éditeur France www.marabout.com culinary history, french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Matthaes Verlag GmbH Éditeur Germany www.matthaes-shop.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine,local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, guides, chef books, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, drinks
Editora Melhoramentos Ltda Éditeur Brazil www.melhoramentos.com.br foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, guides, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, series, matching food and wine, guides
Menu fretin Éditeur France www.menufretin.fr foreign cuisine, French cuisine,local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, guides, chef books
Librairie Ancienne Millescamps Libraire France www.gourmand-millescamps.com
Minerva Éditeur France www.editionsminerva.fr culinary history, french cuisine, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Editions Mines de rien Éditeur France www.editionsminesderien.com local cuisine, culinary literature
Ecomusée de la Truffe Musée France www.ecomusee-truffe-sorges.com
Editorial Norma S.A Éditeur Colombia www.norma.com local cuisine, health and nutrition
Les Nouvelles Presses du Languedoc / Editions Singulières Éditeur France www.editions-singulières.fr local cuisine, culinary literature
Romain Pages Editions Éditeur France www.romain-pages.com Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, corporate books, foreign cuisine
Panamericana Editorial Ltda. Éditeur Colombia www.panamericana.com.co non alcoholic-drinks, local cuisine, health and nutrition
Pelle Agorelius AB Association Sweden www.saxhytte.com
Phaidon Press Ltd Éditeur UK www.phaidon.com french cuisine, guides, foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, children and family, professional
Edition Port Culinaire Presse Germany www.port-culinaire.de foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography, for professionals
Prospect Books Éditeur UK www.prospectbooks.co.uk foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, culinary history series
Editions Les Quatre Chemins Éditeur France www.4chemins.net foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography, for professionals
Robert Rose Inc. Éditeur Canada www.fireflybooks.com/RobertRose foreign cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, for professionals, series, beer, guides, drinks
Rue du Monde Éditeur France Website children, foreign cuisine
Salon du Livre Gourmand de Périgueux Évènement France www.livre-gourmand.fr
Saveur & Savoir Éditeur France www.saveur-et-savoir.fr Non alcoholic-drinks, French cuisine, corporate books, foreign cuisine
Skeie Metro Forlag Ltd Éditeur Norway www.geirskeie.no chef books, french cuisine, local cuisine
Editora Senac São Paulo Éditeur Brazil www.editorasenacsp.com.br foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine, european wine, new world wine
Sislavia Agence créative Spain www.sislavia.com
Editions Slatkine Éditeur Switzerland www.slatkine.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary history
Editions Lucien Souny Éditeur France French cuisine, local cuisine, chef books, culinary history
StockFood GmbH Agence Germany www.stockfood.com Non alcoholic-drinks, foreign cuisine, french cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health, drinks, wine tourism, french wine, european wine,new world wine
Editions Sud Ouest Éditeur France www.editions-sudouest.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, for professionals, series, beer, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine, european wine
Suhr Photography ApS Éditeur Denmark www.suhrphotography.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, culinary history, corporate books, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine tourism, new world wine
Super Edition Éditeur Japan www.superedition.co.jp foreign cuisine, French cuisine, chef books, culinary photography
Undercover Utopia Éditeur India www.undercoverutopia.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, vegetarian, health and nutrition, literature, corporate books, chef books, culinary photography
Universidad de San Martin de Porres Éditeur Peru www.usmp.edu.pe Non alcoholic-drinks, local cuisine, vegetarian, encyclopedia, health and nutrition, guides, culinary history, litterature, chef books, children and family, culinary photography, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, drinks, wine tourism, new world wine
Editions d'Utovie Éditeur France www.utovie.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, culinary history, guides, wine history, drinks, French wine
Editions Vefa Alexiadou Éditeur Greece www.vefashouse.gr foreign cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, series
Villegas Editores Éditeur Colombia www.villegaseditores.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, literature, children and family, culinary photography, series
Éditions Jérôme Villette Éditeur France www.jeromevillette.fr foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, encyclopedia, corporate books, chef books, culinary history, for professionals
Vinothek Verlag Éditeur Austria www.state-of-art-winemaking.com foreign cuisine, local cuisine, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health, wine tourism, French wine, european wine
White Tara Ltd Éditeur UK foreign cuisine
Edition Willsberger Éditeur Switzerland www.willsberger.com culinary photography, wine books
Wine Appreciation Guild Ltd Éditeur www.wineappreciation.com foreign cuisine, French cuisine, local cuisine, health and nutrition, culinary history, for professionals, series, matching food and wine, guides, wine history, wine & health,drinks, wine tourism, French wine, european wine, new world wine
WWF Association France www.wwf.fr


All tickets bought before December 2010 have an important discount. Buying a ticket before the fair helps to save time and avoids waiting lines.

One-day pass - Public days
8 € (5 € before December 2010)
Access to the whole fair during one day (March 5 or 6), including the stands, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions.

One-day pass - Professional days
30 € (22 € before December 2010)
Access to the whole fair during one day (March 3 or 4), including the stands, the rights center, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions.

Four-day pass
50 € (30 € before December 2010)
Access to the whole fair during four days, including the stands, the rights center, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions.

VIP-Professional Badge
350 € (300 € before December 2010)
Two four-day passes, access to the whole fair during four days, including the stands, the rights center, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions. Two invitations to all the parties of the fair, including the cocktails after the Gourmand Awards Ceremony. The VIP-Professional is listed in the catalogue along with the stand exhibitors. The listing includes a short description of the activity, and the contact address. The catalogue is available to exhibitors and VIP Professionals in the months before the Paris Cookbook Fair in order to prepare meetings and networking.


Please, fill in the form below to make your reservation.
(*) Fields marked with asterisk are necessary.

Please indicate the number of tickets you want to reserve.


Información práctica: Cómo venir  |  El recinto

All tickets bought before December 2010 have an important discount. Buying a ticket before the fair helps to save time and avoids waiting lines.

One-day pass - Public days
8 € (5 € before December 2010)
Access to the whole fair during one day (March 5 or 6), including the stands, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions.

One-day pass - Professional days
30 € (22 € before December 2010)
Access to the whole fair during one day (March 3 or 4), including the stands, the rights center, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions.

Four-day pass
50 € (30 € before December 2010)
Access to the whole fair during four days, including the stands, the rights center, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions.

VIP-Professional Badge
350 € (300 € before December 2010)
Two four-day passes, access to the whole fair during four days, including the stands, the rights center, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions. Two invitations to all the parties of the fair, including the cocktails after the Gourmand Awards Ceremony. The VIP-Professional is listed in the catalogue along with the stand exhibitors. The listing includes a short description of the activity, and the contact address. The catalogue is available to exhibitors and VIP Professionals in the months before the Paris Cookbook Fair in order to prepare meetings and networking.


Por favor, rellene el siguiente formulario para efectuar la reserva de entradas.
(*) Los campos marcados con asterisco son necesarios.

Por favor, indique el número y tipo de entradas que desea reservar.


Informations practiques: Lieu & Horaires  |  Le Centquatre

Les entrées achetées avant le 1er Décembre 2010 bénéficient d’une remise considérable, et permettent d’éviter les files d’attente une fois sur place.

Entrée pour une journée “grand public”
8 € (5 € avant le 1-12-2010)
Accès au festival pendant une journée (3 ou 4 Mars): accès aux stands, aux cuisines de démonstrations, au bar international, aux salles de conférences et aux expositions.

Entrée pour une journée professionnelle
30 € (22 € avant le 1-12-2010)
Accès à la totalité du festival pendant une journée (3 ou 4 Mars): accès aux stands, au centre de droits, aux cuisines de démonstrations, au bar international, aux salles de conférences et aux expositions.

Pass pour 4 jours
50 € (30 € avant le 1-12-2010)
Accès à la totalité du festival pendant une journée (3 ou 4 Mars): accès aux stands, au centre de droits, aux cuisines de démonstrations, au bar international, aux salles de conférences et aux expositions.

Badge VIP-Professionnel
350 € (300 € avant le 1-12-2010)
Deux pass pour 4 jours, accès aux stands, au centre de droits, aux cuisines de démonstrations, au bar international, aux salles de conférences et aux expositions. Deux invitations pour toutes les soirées du salon, y compris les cocktails après la remise des Gourmand Awards. Le VIP-Professionnel est répertorié dans le catalogue avec les exposants. Le listing comporte une brève description de l’activité professionnelle et le contact de la personne ou de la société. Le catalogue est mis à disposition des exposants et des VIP-Professionnels dans les mois précédant le Festival du livre culinaire pour favoriser la préparation de rendez-vous.


S'il vous plaît, remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour faire votre réservation.
(*) Les champs marqués d'un astérisque sont nécessaires.

S'il vous plaît indiquer le nombre de billets que vous souhaitez réserver.






Gourmand International
Paseo Pintor Rosales, 50
28008 – Madrid

Phone: +34 91 541 67 68
Fax: +34 541 68 21





Lieu & Horaires

Cómo venir


5, rue Curial - 75019 Paris


Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo: 10h-19h

¿Cómo venir?

  • En taxi: La feria del libro de cocina tiene su propia parada y dos personas encargadas de asegurar un servicio permanente
  • En metro: línea 7 – estación Riquet
  • En bus: línea 54 - estación Riquet; líneas 54, 60 - estaciones Crimée/Curial; bus "la Traverse" - estaciones Riquet o Curial/Archereau
  • En Vélib': paradas rue d’Aubervilliers, rue Curial, rue Riquet, avenue de Flandre, quai de la Seine y rue Tanger.

Lieu & Horaires


5, rue Curial - 75019 Paris


Jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche : 10h-19h


  • Taxi - During the Paris Cookbook Fair we have our own taxi stop and dispatcher.
  • En métro: ligne 7 - station Riquet
  • En bus: ligne 54 - station Riquet; lignes 54, 60 - stations Crimée/Curial; navette "la Traverse" - stations Riquet ou Curial/Archereau
  • En Vélib': bornes rue d’Aubervilliers, rue Curial, rue Riquet, avenue de Flandre, quai de la Seine et rue Tanger.







- Un edificio con alma - (www.104.fr)

Le Centquatre es un lugar de creación y producción artística único en el mundo. Sus 39, 000 m² acogerán a la Paris Cookbook Fair.


Construido en 1873, Le Centquatre reabrió sus puertas en octubre de 2008 tras una inversión de 100 millones de euros en su renovación. Se inspira en

  • Pekín - 798
  • Berlín - Radialsystem
  • Roma - Zone Ative
  • Madrid - Matadero


  • Taxi – Dispondremos de una parada con servicio permanente.
  • Metro: Estación Riquet, línea 7
  • Bus: Líneas 54, 60 ; paradas en Riquet, Crimée/Curial
  • Transbordador “La traverse” – paradas en Riquet, Curial/Archereau
  • Vélib': (servicio municipal de alquiler de bicis) disponibles en la rue d’Aubervilliers, rue Curial, rue Riquet, avenue de Flandre, quai de la Seine y rue Tanger.


Recomendamos la zona Louvre – Opera, cuya línea 7 de metro nos deja a menos de 10 minutos de la estación de Riquet, situada a 4 minutos andando de la Paris Cookbook Fair.
Para presupuestos más modestos, Le Centquatre se encuentra cerca de la Bastilla y de la zona République


Restaurante de Fabrice Lextrait, presidente de Les Grandes Tables. Abierto -sin interrupción- durante el horario de la feria, el restaurante ofrece almuerzos saludables y nutritivos. Sus ajustados precios permitirán disfrutar a todos de una comida diversa e imaginativa.

104 Café: Local contemporáneo inspirado en los ’50 que reúne tanto a clientes habituales como a artistas. El Café cuenta con una terraza con patio adoquinado y acceso directo a la rue d’Aubervilliers.

Pizza Truck: El Pizza Truck situado en el Hall d’Aubervilliers ofrece pizzas, helados y dulces para llevar.

Show Kitchens: Demostraciones ininterrumpidas ejecutadas por los mejores Celebrity Chefs.

Bar Internacional: Profesionales del vino ofrecerán catas y presentaciones de libros en el bar internacional de la Paris Cookbook Fair.


- Un bâtiment qui a une âme -

Le CENTQUATRE est un espace de création artistique et de production unique au monde. Cet espace de 39, 000 m² accueille le Festival du livre culinaire.


Construit en 1873, Le Centquatre, ré-ouvert en octobre 2008 après une rénovation qui a coûté plus de 100 millions d’euros. Il est inspiré de

  • Pékin - 798
  • Berlin - Radialsystem
  • Rome - Zone Ative
  • Madrid - Matadero


  • Taxi - During the Paris Cookbook Fair we have our own taxi stop and dispatcher.
  • Metro: Riquet station, ligne 7
  • Bus: ligne 54, 60 Riquet, Crimée/Curial
  • Navette “La traverse” - Riquet ou Curial/Archereau
  • Vélib': rue d’Aubervilliers, rue Curial, rue Riquet, avenue de Flandre, quai de la Seine et rue Tanger.


Nous recommandons les quartiers du Louvre et de l’Opéra, metro ligne 7, accès direct en metro station Riquet (moins de 10 minutes) puis 4 minutes à pied jusqu’au Centquatre.
Pour les budgets plus modesties: le quartier de la Bastille, à proximité de République.


Les Grandes Tables du CENTQUATRE - Restaurant de Fabrice LextraiT: Ouvert du matin jusqu’au soir, le restaurant offre des opportunités de rafraichissements en dehors de l’heure des repas. Avec des prix délibérement raisonnables, il permettra aux visiteurs et exposants d’apprécier une cuisine ouverte sur le monde et inventive.

Café 104: A la fois café pour les habitués et rendez-vous des artistes, dans un décor contemporain inspiré des années 50, il dispose d’une terrasse couverte dans une magnifique cour pavée, et un accès direct par la rue d’Aubervilliers.

Le Camion à pizza: le camion à pizza offre une sélection de pizza à emporter, ainsi que des desserts et des glaces, il se situe dans la halle Aubervilliers.

Cuisines de démonstration: démonstrations non stop par des chefs célébres.

Bar International: Le Festival a un bar où des experts en vin présentent leurs ouvrages, accompagnés de dégustation.












Margaret Kennedy Agency, Brisbane


Bruce Harris
Lisa Ekus

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Barbara Jo´s – Books to Cooks – VIP Pro


Librairie Ancienne Millescamps – Stand
Librairie Le Merle Moqueur – Le 104
Le Festin de Babette – Livres rares – Stand


Bibliotheca Culinaria – Stand
Hoepli – VIP Pro


De Re Coquinaria – Jose Maria Pisa – Stand 



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Charity Cookbooks


Bhutan Foundation – Vip Pro


Transformemos – Stand


A.N.D.E.S – Association des Epiceries Solidaires – Denis Marot – Stand
Friends International – Stand
Club du Temps Gourmand – Marc Combier – Stand


Fundación Grupo México – Vip Pro

New Zealand

Orphans Aid International – Vip Pro


Singapore Airlines – Vip Pro

Trinidad – Tobago

Syrian Lebanese Women Association – Stand


C-CAP – Richard Grausman – Rights Table
Oldways Preservations Trust – Sara Baer-Sinnott – Rights Table

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Fromage Peuhl – Béatrice Lalinon Gbado


Jair Jorge Leandro


Véronique Chapacou
Sonia Ezgulian
Marie Fougère


Pelle Agorelius, Husmansbord – Stand
Svensk Mjölk – Swedish Dairy Association, Joakim Larsson, Lina Sandvik


Juliet Harbutt

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Sean Connolly


Wolfgang Sievers


Claudia Allemeersch
Inge Van de Vyver


Lucy Avila A.


Bob Blumer
Suman Roy


Du Guang Bei
(James McIntosh)


Frank Rodriguez Pino


Paul Cunningham
Nikolaj Løngreen
Camilla Plum


Sara La Fountain
Ahmed Ladarsi


Alain Alexanian
Yvan Cadiou
Yves Camdeborde
Véronique Chapacou
Christopher Coutanceau
Alain Dutournier
Sonia Ezgulian
Marie Fougère
Jacques Le Divellec
Christophe Felder
Katherine Kodorowski
José Marechal
Laurent Mariotte
Sophie Menut
Eric Roux
Thierry Verrat


Murielle Rousseau
Kathrin Plotke


Vefa Alexiadou
Argiro Barbarigou
Ft Bletsas
Viktor Segal


Yesmine Olsson
Völundar Völundarsson


Monish Gujral
Asha Khatau


Benedetto D´Epiro


Chef Ramzi
Lathika George
Sandra Salloum


Lea Linster

New Zealand

Julie Biuso
Robert Oliver


Wojciech Modest Amaro


Bernardo Andrade Rodríguez, 2780 Taberna


Andrés Madrigal
Santi Santamaría


Marco Baudone
Stefano Catenacci
Görgen Tidén


Swiss Pastry Design – Rolf Mürner


Ahmed Ladarsi
Zouhaïr Ben Jemaâ


James McIntosh
Pascal Aussignac


Maxime Bilet
Virginia Willis

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Children – Enfants


Nikolaj Løngreen


Dr. Amitabh Pandit – Montessori School, Lucknow


Chef Ramzi

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Cooking Schools


Le Cordon Bleu®
Lycée Hôtelier Guyancourt
On Rue Tatin


Mamma Agata – The Hidden Tresure

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Culinary History and Research – Histoire Culinaire


Suman Roy, From Pemmican to Poutine

Costa Rica

Leila Garro, Saberes y Sabores de Boruca


Henri-Pierre Millescamps
Ecomusée de la Truffe, Sorges
Bibliothèques Gourmandes


Sibel Cuniman Pinto, Sephardic Cuisine in Turkey


Chef Wan
Kulit Manis, A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage


Fatema Hal


Fondation B.IN.G. – Marta Lenzi


Lewis Esson, How the British Fell in Love With Food
Claudia Roden
Jared Brown – World history of wine and spirits


Jan Longone


Recetas Olvidadas, Gamal El Fakih Rodríguez

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The Foodink


QooQ – Unowhy?


Whisk – James McIntosh
Concentric Dots – Steve Bateman

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Dr. Chritine Saahs
Mrs. Edith Kubiena


Nutrelan – Conner Middelmann-Whitney
Vins et Santé – Dubos
Marie De Mazet – Plantes Medicinales – Tisanes


Dr. Amitabh Panda – Orthomolecular nutritionist


Dr. Frank van Berkum, Gezond Slank met Dr. Frank

South Africa

Food Basics - Eating for Sustained Energy – Mrs. Gabi and Mr. Kanla Steenkamp


Professor Mai-Lis Hellénius, Expert in Mediterranean diet, Karolinska Institutet (which proposes laureates for Nobel Prize in Medicine)

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Indigenous Foods


Erik Nagamatsu, Foods of the Kingdom of Bhutan

Costa Rica

Kus Kura Indians
Leila Garro Valverde


Kulit Manis a Taste of Terengganu's Heritage – Puan Rosita Bt Abdullah

South Pacific

Me'a Kai – Chef Robert Oliver
Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Tahiti


The Mitsitam Café, Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian – Richard Hetzler


Andes – Las Recetas Olvidadas – Gamal El Fakih Rodríguez

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WFWF-TV – World Festival of Food and Wine Television – Beijing
Wine and Health Symposium, Beijing


Bibliothèques Gourmandes
Mission Francaise du Patrimoine et des Cultures Alimentaires, Directeur Pierre Sanner
Ecomusée de la Truffe, Sorges, President Juan Marie Duprat
Festival de la Photo Culinaire, Paris, President Jean Pierre Stefan
Salon International du Livre Gourmand, Perigueux
Festival International de la Bande Dessinée Angouleme


Fundación Grupo México, Paola Rión
Nacionalismo Gastronómico, Eduardo Plascencia


C-CAP – Careers for Culinary Arts Professional, Richard Grausman, President
Oldways Preservations Trust, Sara Baer-Sinnott, President

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Bistro Trattoria, Melhoramentos, Breno Lerner  


Bibliotheca Culinaria, Publisher Liz Marcucci, Gianpiero Zazzera
Edizioni Estemporanee
Graphicom, Antonio Zanella
Hoepli Spa, Daniela Grazi
Il Leone Verde, Anita Molino
Reed Gourmet, Veronica Pasqualetto
Gremese Publishers
Trenta Editor, Barbara Carbone
Mamma Agata
Benedetto D'Epiro
Marco Lombardi, Cinegustologia


Marco Baudone
Stefano Catenacci


Carlo Bernasconi, Author, La Cucina Verde, Italian Restaurant in Zürich


Italian Food Combinations, Binur Akhun Onen and others
Inkilap Kitabevi Publishers


Robert Camuto, Author, Italian Wine, Palmento

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Jewish Food Culture


The Evolution of the Sephardic, Cuisine in Turkey – Five Centuries of Survival, Sibel Cuniman Pinto


Claudia Roden
Four Meals, a novel, Meir Shalev


Quiches, Kugels, and Couscous my search for Jewish Cooking in France, Joan Nathan
Lunch in Paris, Elisabeth Bard
Marlena Spieler
Barbara Harshav, Translator, Yale University

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Music and Dance

Iceland / India

Yesmine Olsson – Indian Dancing


Malaysian Tourism Dancers

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Partners – Partenariats

World Association of Food Television Producers
Cuisine TV
Vivolta TV
Elle à Table
Eaux de Saint Géron
Association du Foie Gras Perigord
Ecomusée de la Truffe du Perigord – Sorges
Rungis Marche International
Repaire de Bacchus

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Ferdinand Neumüller


Shiri Ram


Denis Nidos
Etienne Heimermann – Le Fotographe
Festival de la Photo Culinaire, Paris
Marc Combier – Club du Temp Gourmand
Pierré Pelletier
Isabelle Rozenbaum


Panpetato – Marco Salzotto


Jorg Lehmann
Max Jurish


Nancy Bundt


Foto Plus Schweiz
Trnka Foto and Stills


Bruno Ehrs
Pepe Nilsson 
Roland Persson
Tiborfoto – Tibor Barany


Jean Cazals

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PR Agencies


L'Arrière Cuisine – Wally Montais
Cook and Com – Marie Sauce


Buch Contact – Murielle Rousseau


Urban 256 – Urban Svensson

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Gorenjski Tisk


Gráfics Vernetta


Fälth & Hässler

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Planeta Argentina


Murdoch Books
Red Candy
Wet Season Press


Leopold Stocker Verlag
Verlag Anton Pustet Vinothek
Verlag Johannes Heyn


Impress Group


Standard Uitgevers
Tectum Publishers


Camara Brasileira do Livro


White Tara


Robert Rose
Whitecap Books


Gourmet Patagonia


China Light Industry Press
East Eat – Culinary Artist
Food Cultural Books of China
Oriental Press
People's Publishing House
Qingdao Publishing
Wine in China – China Agricultural University, Beijing


MNR Comunicaciones




Agnes Viénot
Alain Ducasse – LEC
Chemin Lisant
Editions de l'Epure
Groupe Le Duff
Hachette Pratique
Jean Paul Rocher
Lagon Rouge – Bordeaux
Le Cordon Bleu®
Liber Mirabilis - Carcassonne
Jérome Villette
Mama Josefa
Mango Art de Vivre
Menu – Fretin
QooQ – Unowhy?
Sud Ouest
Trop Mad – Nathalie Beauvais
Vins et Santé – Dubos


99 pages
Christian Verlag
Dorling Kindersley Deutschland
Gerstenberg Verlag
Papyrus Verlag
Port Culinaire
Stories and Friends


Adaex, Accra


Alba Editions
Malliaris Paedia
Vefa Alexiadou


Boook Publishing


Orient Enterprises
Popular Prakashan


Bibliotheca Culinaria
Il Leone Verde, Anita Molino
Reed Gourmet
Trenta Editore


Super Editions


Chef Ramzi


Lea Linster


My Viscom - Terengganu


Dutch Media / Carrera Publishers


Movimiento Manuela Ramos
Universidad San Martín de Porres
Planeta Peru


Bertrand Editora




Dual Servicios Corporativos
Gastronomia Activa
Maillard Innovacion


Bonnier Fakta
ICA / Forma Publishing Group Agency


Arcadian Lifestyle Publishing


Inkilap Kitabevi
Metro Cultural Publications


Absolute Press
BBC Books
Dorling Kindersley
Easy Cook
Ebury – Random House UK
Grub Street
Papadakis Publishers
Simon and Schuster UK
Virgin Books


Stewart, Tabori, Chang
The Cooking Lab
University of California Press
Wine Appreciation Guild

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Street Food

Chef Wan – Malaysia Street Food
Chakall and his Moto Kitchen
Yvan Cadiou – Cuisine Populaire
Spain – Barquillero Galicia Martín Álvarez

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Sustainable – Durable


Proyecto Comunitario Conservación de Alimentos – Jose Antonio Lama

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Television – Filming




Benchmark Films


China Food Network


Cuisine TV


Chef Ramzi


Chef Wan

New Zealand

Zoomslide Productions

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Baco Club, Alfredo Terzano
Karla Johan Lorenzo, Sommelier


Eric Boschman, Author "Vins de Belgique"


Pascal Patron, Guides des vins bio
Jacques Orhon


Wine in China Magazine, Mrs Ma Zhen, Editor in Chief
Oriental Press, Publisher
China Light Industry Press
Food Cultural Books of China, Zhang Ren Qing


Yiannos Constantinou


Association des Grands Crus Classes 1833 – Sylvain Boivert
Editions Féret
Vins et Santé – Dubos
Hachette Pratique
Jean Michel Deluc, Le Cordon Bleu®
Michel Chasseuil
Pierre Le Hond
Gilles du Pontavice, Blog Vinorum Codex
Wine Bankers, Jean Luc Coupet
Jean Charles Chapuzet, Author


Edizioni Estemporanee – Champagne Guide


Martín Berasategui System Bottle (Oscar de l'Emballage 2010)


Håkan Larsson, Allt om Vin


Jared Brown, Spirits


Albert Schmid, Kentucky Bourbon
University of California Press
Wine Appreciation Guild
Robert Camuto

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Breast Friends


Women and Wines of the World, L'Arrière-Cuisine


Movimiento Manuela Ramos

Trinidad – Tobago

Syrian Lebanese Women Association


Jan Longone – Cookbooks and the Empowerment of Women

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Editions Ruisseaux D'Afrique – Beatrice Lalinon Gbado


Adaex Publishers, Accra


Fatema Hal

South Africa

Food Basic – Gabi Steenkamp


Zouhaïr Ben Jemaâ, Chef, Author
Ahmed Ladarsi, Chef, Finland

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Impress Group, Abdul Muqeen Majun Dar, Publisher of Keka Ferdausi, No 1 Television Celebrity Chef


Bhutan Foundation – Ambassador Sonam Tubdon Rabgye
Foods of Bhutan – Erik Nagamatsu


Friends International
White Tara, Kanika Linden


East Eat, Chefs Magazine, Owner Liu Guang Wei 
Development Center of Oriental Gourmet, Cooking School, Jinan, Chairman Mrs. Hao Dungfia
Master Chef Du Guang Bei, Beijing
China Light Industry Press
Qingdao Press
Oriental Press
WFWF TV – World Festival of Wine and Food Television –  Beijing October 2011 –  Edouard Cointreau, President
Food Cultural Books of China, Zhang Ren Qing
Wine and Health Symposium – Beijing May 2011
Wine in China Magazine, Mrs. Ma Zhen, Editor in Chief


Rashmi Uday Singh, Author, Journalist
Lathika George, Suriani Kitchen, Food of the Syrian Minority in India
Asha Khatau, Bestselling Author
Dr. Amitabh Panda – Orthomolecular nutritionist, Health Educator, Lucknow Montessori School
Monish Gujral, Motimahal Restaurants, Author
Viji Varadarajan, Sophie Grot – Saveurs et traditions du sud de l'Inde –  en français


Tsukiji, Fish market – Atsushi Koseki, Yuko Koseki
Supereditions, Publisher – Saito, Desobeaux


Kulit Manis Trengannu food Heritage, Madame To'Puan Rosita Abdullah and her son Tengku Zainal Abidia
Dato Chef Wan


Jyori Prakash Tamang, Himalayan Fermented Foods


Singapore Airlines Cookbook – Above and Beyond – Mrs. Betty Young

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Benchmark Films – Paul Sullivan, Television
Margaret Kennedy Literary Agency
Murdoch Books
Sean Connolly, Television Celebrity Chef
Red Candy, Publisher
Wet Seasons Press, Clare Richards

Cook Islands

Cooks Islands Tourism Corporation, Carmel Beattie, Karla Eggelton


Shiri Ram, Photographer

New Zealand

Chef Robert Oliver, Me'a Kai
Julie Biuso, Celebrity Chef, Author
Orphans Aid International
Zoomslide Productions, Heather Lee, Television


Dr. Tracy Berno, Department of Tourism and Hospitality

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Latin America


Baco Wine Club
Karla Johan Lorenzo, Sommelier, Wine, Mate


Lucky Avila A., Cochabamba, Author


Camara Brasileira do Livro
Melhoramentos – Breno Lerner, Publisher
Senac, Marcus Vinicius Alves, Publisher
Montjoli Queijos Especiais, Jair Jorge Leandro, Maitre Fromager
Fabiena Andrea Zelatti, Author


Gourmet Patagonia, Pablo Fantini


Fundación Transformemos
MNR – Maria Lia Restreipo

Costa Rica

Leila Garro Valverde, Kus Kura Indians
Saberes y Sabores de Boruca


Chef Francisco Rodríguez Pino
Jose Lama – TV, Conservación Alimentos


Fundación Grupo México, Paola Rión
Nacionalismo Gastronomico, Eduardo Plasencia
Jose Ramon Castillo – Chocolate Chef


Universidad San Martín de Porres, Publisher
Decano Johan Leuridan Huys

Trinidad and Tobago

Syrian Lebanese Women's Association, Ah'Len Cookbook – Sandra Salloum


Gamal El Fakih Rodríguez – Las Recetas Olvidadas

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Middle East

Chef Ramzi, Lebanon, Author, Television, Publisher
Syrian Lebanese Women’s Association of Trinidad and Tobago
Suriani Kitchen, The Syrian Minority in India, Lathika George

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